VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA – (March 16, 2022) – “A healthy corporation isn’t the product it sells, nor the service it delivers. Instead, its true genesis is deeply rooted in the collective of like-minded, passionate people that know their ‘Why’. At VoltSafe, we fiercely protect the ‘why’, the work culture that fosters it and most importantly, each other. Seeing one of our team members directly in harm’s way, protecting his family in Ukraine, makes us stand up, speak out, and take action” says VoltSafe CEO, Trevor Burgess.
One of VoltSafe’s staff members, Nazar, is braving horrific conditions in his home country of Ukraine to help his family and friends survive. He left Canada Feb.21 to go back to help his family. En route, his plane landed in Turkey as Russia invaded Ukraine. Nazar made his way by ground to Kyiv in a journey that saw him cross six countries taking over a week instead of hours, hiding in bomb shelters, all in an effort to get to his family. Now, he is working hard to help his country the best way he can, collecting and distributing life-saving equipment and much-needed medical and communications supplies to front-line workers, citizens and families. Back at VoltSafe HQ, a push to collect medical kits, two-way radios and other supplies was initiated to help Nazar, and a GoFundMe page (Help Nazar In Ukraine) was launched. Within one week, the campaign has exceeded its initial goal of $10,000 and continues to climb.

“The generosity of friends, colleagues and the public has been overwhelming. We’ve seen people walk in with cash donations, first-aid kits, two-way radios, gear used to carry supplies, and even thermal clothing for the freezing weather. The GoFundMe campaign helps us order more of these life-saving supplies that are so badly needed, yet so scarce over there. To say I’m proud of Nazar and the team here in Vancouver is an understatement. Everyone is stepping up to volunteer time and energy to help one of our own.” says VoltSafe CMO, Terri Breker.
VoltSafe continues to accept donations of specific supplies at its head office in Vancouver as well as GoFundMe contributions. As long as Nazar and the people of Ukraine are in need of help, VoltSafe will continue the charge. Trevor added, “If you want to know what kind of person Nazar is, one of our staff called the VoltSafe phone number and pressed the button for shipping. Nazar answered the call (while currently in Kyiv) to help VoltSafe. This is the dedicated hero he is and we want to help him in every way we can. We remain optimistic for the end of the senseless violence in Ukraine so Nazar can safely return to Vancouver and the resilient Ukrainian people can rebuild their lives in peace.”
To learn more about how you can help Nazar, visit